Leading European developer and manufacturer of technological equipment for multifunctional sports facilities – the company ColosseoEAS (Slovakia) is now officially represented in Ukraine.
The presentation of the company and areas of activity took place at the NSC “Olympiyskiy”.
The following were invited to the meeting: representatives of sports federations and societies of Ukraine, representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; well-known developers and design organizations, foreign partners of the company (TP Sport, Euroseating), representatives of customers in Ukraine (HC “Donbas” and DM “Youth”).
In addition, this event attracted the interest of the diplomatic community, so even the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to Ukraine, Mr. Marek Šafin, came to the presentation.

People who saw a lot on their sports career came to witness an important event for the sports community of Ukraine: Oleksandr Shovkovsky, Vladyslav Vashchuk, Stanislav Medvedenko.

The guests learned firsthand where ColosseoEAS started its business, what it has come to now, and why it saw prospects for development in Ukraine.
The presentation began with a speech by Jan Ench (CEO of ColosseoEAS), after which it became clear that the company since 2005 is widely known in the world for its solutions in the presentation of game shows, multimedia technologies, refereeing and sports systems, security systems.

The second part was by the head of international development of ColosseoEAS Maxim Glazunov.

Maxim showed what sports facilities can look like after cooperating with the Slovak company, and now its representative in Ukraine – the company SEAS-Ukraine.
Andriy Pantyukhov, CEAS-Ukraine Director, spoke about the company’s plans in Ukraine and presented already implemented projects.

Fedir Ilyenko, General Director of HC Donbas (ColosseoEAS, modernized the Altair ice arena, Druzhkivka), shared his impressions of the cooperation.
In conclusion, there was a speech from Spanish colleagues (TP Sport and Euroseating) and their expectations from cooperation with Ukrainian partners.

After the official part, the guests had the opportunity to talk to each other, media representatives to ask additional questions to the organizers and representatives of the Slovak company ColosseoEAS, which has now begun its championship cooperation with Ukrainian sports.